Meet our 300th employee – another milestone reached as GLAS continues to grow
As GLAS continues to grow we’re really excited to announce that our 300th employee has joined the company.
Cale Brown has joined our London office as a Transaction Manager. After Cale had settled in, we took the time to see how he was getting on and what he was looking forward to.
Welcome to GLAS – how have you found it so far?
Cale Brown – I really appreciate the very warm welcome I have received! Everyone has been very supportive and helpful, and always willing to answer any question. I have been told (somewhat worryingly!) before that there are no silly questions; I think now, if ever, is the time to ask them, so I do apologise to my new colleagues in advance! I get the impression there is a strong sense of collegiality and teamwork, with frequent check-ins on workflows and everyone willing to lift a hand if and when needed to ensure we get the job done.
As a Transaction Manager in the London team, what skills and experience are you bringing to the team?
I moved from New Zealand to London early March 2024 after around three months travel through Southeast Asia on the way over. I worked for an agency/trustee company in NZ with my final position looking after the company’s trustee/agent functions in the structured finance area, predominantly working on term securitisations, private placements, warehousing, and syndication transactions. Having worked in the industry previously, I believe I have a good level of understanding around how various structures operate and the agent’s role therein, however as with every jurisdiction and company, it has its own way of doing things which I am looking forward to understanding. I take personal pride in providing quick and effective service to stakeholders and I look forward to continuing to do that within GLAS.
You have joined GLAS during a period of significant growth and expansion for the business – can you share excited you most about joining us?
I think the huge growth of GLAS is testament to its pragmatic and commercial approach to its roles and obligations, ensuring that the service offering is best in class and GLAS is the first-choice agent when an enquiry goes out. I am excited to be a part of, and to learn from, a market-leading team which is involved in the some of the largest and most complex transactions in the market.
About GLAS
GLAS was established in 2011 as an independent provider of institutional debt administration services. The company was originally created to provide the market a willing participant in complex loan restructuring transactions where many large institutions are reluctant to take swift and cooperative action. It offers a wide range of administration services developed specifically for the debt market.
GLAS is recognised as the premier independent, non-creditor, conflict-free provider of loan agency and bond trustee services, with excess of $390bn of assets under administration on a daily basis. For more information, please contact media@glas.agency.