ILA Panel Discussion

GLAS to share behind the scenes look at Fürst 26A Restructuring Plan at 2024 ILA Conference

This year’s Insolvency Lawyers Association Conference takes place in London on the 10th May, 2024, and the team behind the Fürst Group restructuring project will be hosting a session to give a behind the scenes look at the transaction.

The transaction marked the first time that the flexible 26A Restructuring Plan was used for a German real estate development asset. The success of the project resulted in more than EUR1 billion of German law governed debt instruments restructured pursuant to the Plan.

This transaction is the only instance of a major real estate group restructuring in Europe, and it sets a unique precedent for restructuring within a major European real estate group and represents only the second instance where the court has exercised its authority to strip “out of the money” junior creditors of their rights under sections 901C(4) and 901F of the Companies Act 2006.

The panel discussion will give delegates the opportunity to hear the different perspectives and unique insights from all sides of the deal.

The panel will be moderated by Mia Drennan, Founder and Group President, GLAS and will feature:

Katie Lacey, Senior Transaction Manager at GLAS
Chris Howard, Partner at Sullivan Cromwell
Ryan Beckwith, Chief Restructuring Officer at Fürst

We look forward to seeing you there!

GLAS are proud sponsors of the ILA and are thrilled to have the opportunity to support the continued development of insolvency professionals. If you missed out on a ticket for the sold out ILA conference, you can read more about GLAS’ involvement on this transaction and our ongoing partnership with Fürst Group here.