Recent transactions

GLAS is recognised as the leading independent, non-creditor, conflict-free provider of institutional debt administration services. We provide clients with high quality services, alongside a redesigned, reimagined commercial approach to business.

$ 390  bn

Recent transactions

GLAS is recognised as the leading independent, non-creditor, conflict-free provider of institutional debt administration services. We provide clients with high quality services, alongside a redesigned, reimagined commercial approach to business.

$ 390  bn
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GLAS was appointed as Registrar, Paying Agent, Calculation Agent and Transfer Agent in connection with Dalrymple Bay Infrastructure's $514m fixed rate senior secured notes in the US private placement market.

VOCUS Syndicated Lending

GLAS was appointed as Facility Agent and Security Trustee in connection with Voyage Digital's acquisition financing package to facilitate the merger between Orcon Group, a New Zealand subsidiary of Vocus Group Ltd., and Two Degrees Group.

Nostrum Syndicated Lending
CODERE Restructuring
Inova Syndicated Lending

GLAS was appointed as Facility Agent and Security Trustee in connection with TPG's majority investment in iNova Pharmaceuticals, a leading independent consumer healthcare & medicine products company in Asia Pacific, alongside co-investors.